Welcome to Year 6!
Key Information for Year Six
To see our Year 6 Information Pack, please click here.
To view the Year 6 curriculum meeting PowerPoint, please click here.
To see our Year 6 Curriculum Map, please click here.
Homework and Book changing information
Homework is set on a Friday. It is due in on a Friday.
Reading books are changed upon request when a child finishes the book they are reading.
Holy Rood On The BBC - English Support
If you are looking for inspiration for your Autumn Term English unit 'How To Score The Perfect Penalty' why not listen to Mrs Mac Labhrai's 'Teach Me A Lesson' podcast episode with Greg James.
In this podcast titled 'How To Never Lose A Penalty Shootout', Mrs Mac Labhrai shares her favourite lesson with the presenters. This episode will ensure you have all the essential knowledge needed to writing a superb explanation text! Listen here.
Year Six at Holy Rood, the voice of our pupils...
“In Year 6 we have been the weight of being the oldest (and wisest) children in the school resting on our shoulders! As well as this, Year 6 students nominate themselves to be considered to be a House or Vice Captain. We then go through hustings and even a real election! As a Vice Captain myself I can say that we help our houses perform the best they can in their education, we do this by being great role models and by giving encouraging speeches during celebration assemblies on Fridays.”
“I have loved PE throughout my whole time I have been at Holy Rood but Year 6 has definitely been (already) my favourite year of PE! This is because I have been able to d more Netball, my favourite sport. During this term the Year 6s went to a Netball and Football tournament at St Michaels. This tournament has definitely made me more competitive and ready to take on any challenge. I also love PE because I have had all the support I need to make me a better sportswoman. We are very blessed to have lots of space to practise sports all year round.”
“I love English in Year 6 because we get to do so many topics! We have so many books in our school you would barely be able to count them. We have a school library and a small library in our classroom too. One of the English topics I am especially looking forward to is the Titanic, which I know other Year 6 classes always really like. In Year 6 English and Reading are very important as we are encouraged to do our very best and boost our reading ability. Our teachers guide us to make good book choices and nag us to make sure we are reading every night! To help us even more, we have a special account on a website called Reading Plus, where we complete vocabulary and comprehension lessons to test our real skills!”
“To be a Holy Rood child isn't just about learning and studying, we are here to help each other, support each other and enjoy ourselves. I only joined the school in Year 3 but I feel like a member of the family. I have many friends and amazing teachers. In our RE lessons we learn to care and love others, as we are told in the Bible. This year may be challenging but I know I can rely on God's support.”
“I have already really enjoyed History in Year 6 and our topic is called 'The Battle of Britain'. I enjoyed learning about this because we have been on a trip to Bentley Priory Museum in Bushey Heath and it helped us to understand how much of a major role fighter command played during WW2. As a Polish person, I am proud of the role Polish pilots played in WW2 and I got to share this with the rest of the school in our special assembly recently. I enjoy history because we can learn about our ancestors' actions and what we can learn from them.”
Extra Information for Year Six Parents
Supporting your child's learning at home
For useful website links for Year 6, please click here.
Year 6 Assessment Support
Parents, you may be keen to prepare and support your children in their preparations for statutory testing at the end of the year.
Please click here for advice on how to tackle reading assessments.
Please click here for advice on how to tackle maths assessments.
This link brings you to a website that papers from previous years. Mrs Hehir and Miss McNeill will also be very happy to provide paper copies and additional support materials, please ask!