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Physical Education

At Holy Rood, Physical Education (P.E.) aims to ensure that every child is involved in a range of enjoyable outdoor and indoor physical activities irrespective of age and ability, during the school day and through extracurricular offerings.

We encourage an enjoyment of physical activity whilst also educating children as to the impact this can have on their health and emotional wellbeing which will enable them to make positive lifestyle choices as they move through the school and in the future.

The allocation of Sports Premium funding is highly effective in ensuring every aspect of the P.E. curriculum is well resourced, that staff confidence in teaching each aspect is high and that the quality of teaching is continually enhanced through staff training and ongoing development. 

In EYFS children engage with daily gross motor and physical activity in their outdoor playground and barked area, as well as a weekly PE session using other resources and apparatus. Providing regular opportunities for progress in physical development is vital for all children to achieve well across all areas of the Early Years Curriculum, especially in writing and health and self-care.

In Key Stage 1 and 2, children participate in two lessons of P.E. a week and this follows a curriculum map of activities including football, netball, rounders, tag rugby, golf, cricket, athletics, swimming, Gaelic football, hockey, handball, dance and gymnastics.

To further enrich our pupils’ enjoyment and engagement in physical activity, there are a number of sports clubs available to children in Reception, KS1 and KS2, which are run by external sports specialists as well as our own highly skilled school staff.

As part of the School Sports Partnership, there are opportunities throughout the year for children from Year 1 to 6 to participate in competitive tournaments with other schools to continue to develop their skills across the P.E. curriculum in a different environment and context.

P.E Curriculum Map

Please click here to see the P.E Curriculum Map.

P.E Subject Policy

Please click here for the P.E Subject Policy.

Please click here for the Competitive Sport Policy. 

PE in action at Holy Rood School ...

Year 6 at the Watford FC Half Time penalty shootout

Watford Schools Football and Netball competition

Year 4 Trigolf

Indoor athletics tournament

Gaelic football matches and tournaments

Football Matches