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School Lunches

At Holy Rood, our lunch break runs from:

When? Who?
11:45am until 12:45pm EYFS
12:00pm until 1:00pm Year 1
12:15pm until 1:15pm Year 2 - Year 6

During this time, all of our pupils enjoy either a hot school meal prepared freshly each day in our school kitchen or a packed lunch prepared by their parents/ carers at home. 

We are able to provide a range of hot school meals cooked on the premises in our school kitchen. Our catering is run by a company called 'The Pantry'.

The Pantry is a family business providing the highest-quality food to Schools.

The Pantry’s statement:

“First and foremost – we’re massive foodies! With an unwavering enthusiasm for the Fresh, Flavoursome and Fantastic, delivering the most delicious dishes are our priority, whatever the setting. Underpinning our approach are the Three Pantry P’s – Preparation, Provenance and Price. Every meal is prepared with the utmost skill and care by well-trained chefs, with the freshest, quality-approved ingredients sourced from across the UK, and at a price that won’t punish your pocket.”

For further details about this service, please visit The Pantry website by clicking here.

Example menu from The Pantry (Click to expand)

Alternatively you may wish to provide your child with a packed lunch from home. Please note that due to allergy concerns we are a nut free school and therefore we ask that you refrain from sending children to school with nuts or nut based products e.g. peanut butter sandwiches, cereal bars containing nuts etc 

Click below to read the schools' guidance on packed lunches in: 








Free School Meals information

In certain circumstances it may be possible for parents to receive free school meals for their child(ren).

Your child may be entitled to receive free school meals if you are entitled to receive one or more of the following:

  • Universal credit (provided you have a net income of £7400 or less)
  • Income support
  • Income-based jobseekers’ allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Child tax credit, provided that you are not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of £16,190 or less

If you think that you may be eligible to qualify for free school meals please do not hesitate to contact a member of the school office team.

How to apply…

To apply, click on this link:


Free School Meals vs Universal Free School Meals information...

Please note: Under the Government's 'Universal Free School Meals' (UIFSM) initiative, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible to claim a free school meal each day regardless of economic circumstances. At our school we are pleased that an extremely high percentage of families choose to do this.

However if you and/ or your partner fall into any of the above 'Free School Meal' categories, it is important that you speak to the school office to register this as the school may be able to access approximately £1,385 of extra funding per year for the school to spend in supporting your child to make the best possible progress and in helping you to provide experiences for your child such as extra curricular activities, musical instrument tuition and educational visits.

If you have any queries regarding applications for free school meals please speak to the school office, who will be more than happy to assist you with this.