Instagram is a popular photo sharing app, mainly used on mobile phones and tablet devices. As well as sharing images with friends, it is possible to comment upon each others images, search for images and message other instagram users.
What our pupils say...
'It's a great way to catch up with friends, especially those outside of school. It's nice to see what your friends have been up to. It's important to set your profile to private though so other people you don't know can't see your images.'
What we say...
How ever children view instagram, it is a tool for sharing images of themselves and others. Interestingly children seem to have a view that Instagram is 'for kids' - in fact it is used predominantly by adults and teenagers. As a result it is relatively easy to come across pictures of a more adult nature including those involving drugs, obsecene gestures or partial nudity. Children must realise that they should not post pictures of or involving other children without first seeking permission (we would suggest at this age that that permission actually needs to come from the parent.)
Age Restriction
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