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GSO Test

In case of school closure …

Notification before the school day begins …

In the event that a decision is taken to close the school due to extreme weather conditions such as snow, parents/carers will be contacted via text initially and then confirmed by email before 8am and a message will also be put onto the school website. This message will pop up when you access the school website.

If you do not receive any contact DIRECTLY from school, then school remains open as normal.

Please also continue to check after 8am, as something significant may happen after this time, which leads to a decision to close being made at this late stage however we will always endeavour to make the decision as early as possible. 

What happens if the school needs to close during the school day?

In the event of the need to close the school in the middle of the school day, a ‘closing time’ will be agreed by Mrs Braund and the admin staff will then communicate this to all parents and carers via text and then confirmed by email.

In the communication provided by school, we will notify parents and carers of the designated collection point for each class if it differs from the usual collection arrangements.