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GSO Test


At Holy Rood School, whilst promoting Catholic virtues, we will ensure that pupils and young people are offered a broad and balanced RSHE programme which provides them with clear factual, scientific information about their bodies when relevant and aims to create well-rounded and adjusted pupils who are resilient and able to live well in relationship with others.

The teaching of RSHE at Holy Rood in KS1 and KS2, builds upon the highly effective PSE education in EYFS, and supports pupil’s continuous development in this essential area of the curriculum.

     Our school’s RSHE programme of study has three themes:  

  • Created to love others - this explores an individual’s relationships with others and shows an understanding of the importance of valuing and understanding oneself as the basis for personal relationships.
  • God is love - We are created out of love and for love. The command to love is the basis of all Christian morality.
  • Created to live in community – local, national & global (this explores the individual’s relationships with the wider world) 

RSHE Curriculum Map

Please click here for the RSHE Curriculum Map

RSHE Subject Policy

Please click here for the RSHE Subject Policy.

Start of year RSHE corridor displays ...

At the start of the year, we spent time focusing on what makes us, us. Using the TenTen scheme of work, each class focused on the topic: 'All about me'. 

Have a look at some of the displays each class made. 

RSHE Displays in Holy Rood ...

Other Resources

As a school, our curriculum is supported by a scheme called Life To The Full by Ten Ten Resources.

Ten Ten is an award-winning and well-respected  Catholic educational organisation.

Life to the Full has been approved by The Diocese of Westminster.   Life to the full is based on the CES Model Primary Curriculum,  therefore we are confident that this programme is a very good fit for our Catholic school.

If you wish to carry out further reading around RSE, the following documents may be of use to you:

Department For Education - Relationships and Sex Education Guidelines

CES - Model Primary Curriculum

Pupil Voice gathered during subject link governor visit

 "Lots of the things we learn about in RSHE are really important for us."

"I think everyone needs to learn about the things we talk about in our RSHE lessons."

"I like my RSHE book, it’s not like our other lessons and book"

"I like that we get to work in groups sometimes and share what we think about the lesson – it helps me to work with my friends and it makes it more fun."

"I get a chance to think about how I feel and what I could do in certain situations. I get to write my feelings down, there’s no wrong answer for that."