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GSO Test

IOW Day Four

We're getting very used to the routine now:waking up to the sound of the waves; getting sorted for the day - room inspection. 

Today we were on site at East Dene all day. We split into our four activity groups and did a rotation of different activities.  It has been a very very sunny day. We have been very lucky so far with the fantastic weather. 

1) Raftbuiildiing. Using planks of wood, rope and plastic barrels, we made a raft that could (hopefully) successfully compete in a timed race in the pool. Unfortunately many of the rafts didn't manage to stay afloat the entire race but we had fun either way. 

2) Classic team building. In the woods at East Dene there are a range of team building puzzles in which we had to work together to solve. Each time we tried to improve our team work skills. 

3) Smugglers: Sitting in a boat at the bottom of the hill, we learned all about the people involving with smuggling in the Isle of Wight's past. Then did a range of fun puzzles using our practical problem solving skills. 

4) Pirate quest. Many problem solving activities related to pirates. 

5) Orienteering. 

6) swimming. After the raft building we all had a half hour swim. 

7) shopping: Spening the last of our pocket money. 

8) Freetime: Football, table tennis, swing or just a chat. 

At lunch time we gathered together and sung Happy Birthday to Israel for tomorrow and had a piece of chocolate cake. 

Dinner was lovely as they have been all week. After dinner we had a camp fire with marshmallows and looked back at all the fun things we had done this week and what we have enjoyed the most. 

We started a pack up of our suitcases. Can't believe the week has gone so quickly. 

See you all tomorrow

Year 6