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Mini Vinnies

The Mini Vinnies are quite literally mini St. Vincent de Paul’s. At Holy Rood we are proud to have a Mini Vinnies group each year.

‘Mini Vinnies’ can be children aged between 7 to 11. At Holy Rood, our Mini Vinnies group is made up of a group of pupils from Year 3 and Year 4 as is led by Miss. Carlon. If children wish to be a part of the Mini Vinnies group, they are invited to write a letter of application each September to Miss. Carlon sharing why they believe they would be a wonderful member of the Mini Vinnie’s team, what personal attributes and skills they believe could help them in this role and share with me one fundraising idea they have.

Our Mini Vinnies group come together to form a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. Mini Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can to help make a difference in their communities. 

Mini Vinnies is about doing good works in the community. The Vinnies model of ‘See, Think, Do’ is a great way to get young people thinking and talking about their spirituality; by connecting their beliefs and values with service activities and issues in their community, they can help to make their faith real, meaningful and relevant. 

 Our Mini Vinnies team this year for 2023/2024 ...

Seth, Annabelle W, Alice C, Max R, Penelope, Niamh, Aoife, Erin, Naomi, Emily S, Emily L and Akira.

Our Mini Vinnies in action ...

 Lenten prayer books

Our wonderful Mini Vinnies team have created a special Lenten prayer. To download this prayer book, please click here.

Rotary Shoeboxes

Over the course of November, our Mini Vinnies team organised, led and was the driving force behind our annual Rotary Shoebox Appeal. For more information about this, please click here. They made posters to help promote this worthy cause. 

On behalf of Watford Rotary and the Shoebox Project, I would like to say a big thank you to all your fantastic staff and pupils for their effort in donating so many shoeboxes. Your pupils should feel very proud that they have made a lot of children in need a lot happier.
Kind regards
David Silverston

 Our Mini Vinnies speak in assembly about their new roles ...

Mini Vinnie ASCAT Retreat Day...

Welcome to our new Mini Vinnies...

The Mini Vinnies Prayer

Applying to be part of Mini Vinnies

Application Form