At Holy Rood, all pupils in Key Stage 2 will benefit from the rich cultural experience of learning French. We aim to foster an interest in language learning by introducing our pupils to a progressively challenging programme of study that is accessible for all. Units of work such as ‘Around Town’, ‘Holidays and Hobbies’ and ‘Shopping’ are repeated from year to year, becoming progressively more challenging and deepening the pupils’ vocabulary. Our teaching aims to support both oracy and written literacy in French.
Our school recognises that the learning of another language also aids our pupils’ understanding of their own language as well as preparing them to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work, and other activities are increasingly carried out in languages other than English. Our French teaching offers a further opportunity to our pupils to consolidate their understanding of key grammatical terms (such as word classes and phrase classes) that they first encounter in their English lessons.
At Holy Rood, our curriculum intends to create an interest and appetite for French and language learning that they can carry with them from their primary to secondary phase of education.
French Curriculum Map
Please click here to see the French Curriculum Map
French Subject Policy
Please click here for the French Subject Policy.
Websites to support learning in French
The websites below will support your child’s learning of French at home.
French lessons for Key Stage 2 students - Oak National Academy (
French for KS1
KS1 French - England - BBC Bitesize
Stories, poems and songs - KS1 French - BBC Bitesize
Pupil Voice gathered during subject link governor visit
"It’s a good language to learn as it is spoken in lots of places"
"I like that I get to learn a new language for the first time. I didn't know any French before and now I do know some."
"We use sound buttons to help us learn the pronunciation."
French Day 2023
On Tuesday 28th February 2023, we held our annual French Day. Children came to school dressed in the colours of the French flag (blue white and red) and our catering providers, The Pantry, offered the children a French themed menu.
Our younger pupils participated in a range of activities throughout the day with their teachers and Year 12 students from St. Joan of Arc, which is one of the schools in our academy trust, taught the children nursery rhymes and simple French songs.
In addition to teacher-led activities, children from Years 2-6 took part in a French Dance workshop .During the workshop they were taught dance routines from popular dance styles including, French country dancing, Ballet & Bretonne Clog dancing and Gavotte/Baroque dance.
A great day was had by all!
To view the French Day menu, click here.
French Day 2023
French Day 2023 Pupil voice
Year 1
“I enjoyed French Day because we got to do some French painting and learned French numbers.”
“We painted the French flag and some people from secondary school came to help us learn some French words and songs.”
Year 2
“I enjoyed French Day because we wore our own clothes and danced the Can- Can. We got to learn the days of the week in French.”
Year 5
“On French Day, we did some French dancing which was fun. We also did some Art using pointillism which was very creative.”
“On French Day, we did a dance workshop where we learned how to dance the Can- Can and ballet.”
Year 6
“On French Day, we did some French dancing and had some conversations in French. We also had students from Saint Joan of Arc who came to speak to us about learning French in secondary school.”
“I enjoyed French Day as I think it gave us a better understanding of the French culture. We also got a taste of what learning French in secondary school will be like.”
French Day 2022
Every year we have a ‘French Day’. The French Day is a non-uniform day and children dress in the colours of the French flag (blue white and red).
Children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 participate in a range of activities class throughout the day with their teachers as well as engaging in a session led by Year 12 students from St. Joan of Arc who teach the children nursey rhymes and simple French songs.
Children in KS2 take part in a ‘Dance Days’ French Dance workshop as well as a range of activities in class. During the workshop, they learn dance routines from popular dance styles including; French country dancing, Ballet & Bretonne Clog dancing, Gavotte/Baroque dancing and a child friendly version of the Cancan. In addition to this, some children in KS2 are also able to enjoy an in-class café workshop.
French Day
French Day Pupil Voice
Year 2
I liked that we got to dress up in the colours of the French flag because it was something different.
It was really fun singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, in French, with the students from St. Joan of Arc. They were very nice and had good French accents.
I really enjoyed creating our Eiffel Tower artwork. We were able to celebrate the colours of the flag and draw the famous landmark
Year 4
I liked learning Old Mcdonald had a farm in French!
I loved the dancing
Year 5
I liked wearing my own clothes to show the French flag
I really enjoyed being customers and waiters in the French cafe.
I really like the students from Joan of Arc teaching us head, shoulders, knees and toes in French
I enjoyed the French art because we put dots everywhere. We did pointillism.