Ethos and Values
At Holy Rood Catholic Primary School we pride ourselves on our welcoming Christian ethos, founded on the teachings of Jesus.
We aim through our curriculum, our policies and procedures, and through our day to day witness, to strive to uphold the greatest of Christ’s commandments:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is to ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’- Matthew 22:37-39
In order that we may achieve this ethos within our school and the wider community that we serve, there are a number of values and principles which guide our actions in school.
First and foremost are the values that are at the heart of the Gospels:
- Love and solidarity
- Faithfulness and Integrity
- Dignity and Compassion
- Humility and Gentleness
- Truth and Justice
- Forgiveness and Mercy
- Purity and Holiness
- Tolerance and Peace
- Service and Sacrifice
It is clear to see that these are also supportive of the values of the modern British Society in which we live:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
All of our values are reflected in our school ‘Mission Statement’ which best sums up the ethos of our school:
The family of Holy Rood Catholic Primary School will try to live, learn, grow and celebrate together, as friends, through the love of Christ.
At the start of each school year, we spend time thinking our school's ethos and values. In the entrance hall, we have created a display to help us remember our ethos and values. In addition to this, we have also created canvas art work to display throughout the entire school as a constant reminder to us. Take a look.
Our School Video