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Charity Fundraising

At our school, we recognise the importance of following the call of Jesus to live lives with a commitment to the greater good. Through being committed to works of charity, we are developing in children their understanding of the responsibility that has been placed upon us to do what we can to show our support of and solidarity with all members of God's family. Our commitment to the support of those less fortunate than ourselves leads us to support both local, national and international organisations and charities in their work with those in need throughout the course of the academic year.

These include:

The Missionaries of the Poor Supporters Association (MoPSA)

Alice’s Arc

Rotary Shoebox Appeal

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Catholic Children’s Society

Watford New Hope Trust


To find out more about the name charities above please click on the link.

For Further information about our fundraising efforts at Holy Rood Catholic Primary School, please click on the menu at the bottom of this page. 

Fundraising highlights of 2023-2024 academic year ...

Updates for 2023-2024 coming soon!

Fundraising highlights of 2022-2023 academic year ...

July 2023 - Make a wish foundation

All day, all children from Reception to year 6, were invited to wear sporty own clothes in exchange for a £1 donation to the ‘Make a wish’ charity and the opportunity to take part in a fun and challenging obstacle course across the day. This is an event entirely planned by our Mini Vinnies team and this is a charity they have selected as being one which they feel needs our support to continue to bring joy to the lives of sick children.


April 2023 - Day of Dance - Fundraising for MOPSA

Our wonderful children spent a whole day dancing culminating in a range of dancing performances for their Lenten fundraising for this year. We were joined by family members, friends and members of our local community who attended the day to support the children. The event was also well supported by local and national companies who donated raffle prizes including Manchester United and Watford Football club. It was also lovely for Monica from MOPSA to not only speak to everyone at this event but to see the children putting into action their Catholic duty to support our poor brothers and sisters in Nairobi- she was very emotional throughout the event and both her and her husband John, were delighted to be there. With the money raised from your generous sponsorship, teamed up with the raffle, cake sale and auction bids, not only did we reached our £3700 target, but we have completely smashed it and raised an unbelievable £8700! This will not only fund a doctor for one day for the clinic in Nairobi, but now will enable this doctor to return more days during the week which will help, save and treat more than double the number of children and families we initially thought we could help. This will be lifesaving for so many and on behalf of MOPSA, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.


December 2022 - New Hope Trust

At the end of our Carol Service last week held at Holy Rood Church, parents, carers and family members of our Key Stage 2 pupils donated generously towards our annual collection for the New Hope Trust. We would like to thank you all for this generosity which, in total, raised an amazing £422.87. this money will really make a difference to those most in need within our own Watford community. 


November 2022 - Rotary Club Christmas Shoebox appeal

Over the course of November, families across the school donated shoe boxes filled with items to be donated to children most in need. Then, the box is wrapped or decorated by the person filling the box and brought into school. The shoeboxes are collected by the Rotary Club and transported to those who need them across the world. 


October 2022 - Harvest 

This week we held our annual collection for our local foodbank, Watford Foodbank. We were amazed with the sheer amount of food and toiletries collected through the kind donations from you, our families, in our school community. In total we donated a whopping 212kg! Your kindness will now provide those most in need with essential food and toiletries and remove the worry of where the next meal will come from. It truly is putting Jesus’ teaching into action.

“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink”. – Matthew 25: 35-36

Thank you also to our Chaplaincy team for helping Mr Correa lead the school in a Harvest assembly on Monday morning and for helping Mr Correa to collect all the donations.


September 2022 - Jessica’s Arc

On October 18th, it was the 3rd anniversary of the death of our wonderful Jessica Macqueen, a pupil of Holy Rood who we lost to cancer aged 9 years old. As a school community we will always remember Jessica and continue to support the charities that support and drive research into finding cures for childhood cancers, like the one that took Jessica’s life. Therefore we sold Jessica’s Arc pin badges after school for September and October. In addition to the pin badges, we sold raffle tickets to win three amazing Watford FC signed prizes kindly donated by Watford FC to support Jessica’s Arc. Then, on the 18th October every child was invited to wear their pin badge to school, in memory of Jessica.  The total amount raised by the school was £595 which will now be added to online donations and help towards this very important cause. 

Fundraising highlights of 2021-2022 academic year ...

March 2022 – CAFOD

The children of Holy Rood completed a sponsored ‘Walk against hunger’ to raise money for CAFOD. Each class walked a certain distance, which, added together, equalled 50km in one day! Through the generosity of our school community, we raised over £3000! This incredible amount will make a huge difference to poor and hungry children and families around the world. 

We did our walk because it was a fun way for us but a really good way to raise money. Because when you raise the money yourself, you remember it more and you want to help even more. It’s important for us to help because Jesus set the example for us to do this.

Ewan – Year 4

 November 2021 – Rotary Shoebox Appeal

Every year, just before Christmas, Holy Rood School supports the Rotary Shoebox Appeal Scheme. To support the project, students and staff pack a shoebox with filled with toys, stationary, toiletries, clothes and gifts for either children, teenagers, senior citizens, families or new babies. Then, the box is wrapped or decorated by the person filling the box and brought into school. The shoeboxes are collected by the Rotary Club and transported by road to Eastern Europe. The Shoebox Appeal aims to bring some happiness to some of the most disadvantaged.


We do this because we want to help people who are less fortunate than us and we believer that is what we are called to do because we are Catholics.
Reece – Year 3

September 2021 – Watford Foodbank

Our Chaplaincy Team have been busy at work organising and collecting much need supplies for our local foodbank – Watford Food Bank. We were inundated with an incredible volume of donations for our Harvest collection to support those in need in our local community who are in need of help. Watford Foodbank then came and collected the supplies and took them back to their warehouse!

I was overwhelmed by the amount of food donated by the children and parents in our school. I feel proud to be part of such a generous community.

Amelka – Year 5

The Missionaries of the Poor Supporters Association (MoPSA)

Over the past seven years we have developed a very close working relationship with MoPSA and the missionaries of the Poor themselves. As well as welcoming the brothers of the mission into our school on a number of occasions to speak to and work with the pupils, we are also committed to raising funds on a biennial basis to support the mission being run in Nairobi to support orphaned, vulnerable children living on the streets. Further to this, in 2018, three members of staff from Holy Rood School set off on a journey of a life time to visit our brothers and sisters in Nairobi and see first-hand not only the impact of our fundraising so far, but the need for us to continue to help and support in any way we can.

Please click here to see Father Paul and the children we help support.  


Summer Term 2016 - 'The Pound Pledge' and 'Miles for Smiles'

To celebrate our 120th Anniversary we set ourselves the mission of raising more money than ever before for our brothers and sisters in Nairobi. The whole school have participated in a sponsored run event, 'Miles for Smiles', around our school grounds and we have been trying to get as many people as possible to pledge one pound to our 'Just Giving' page; some of our teachers and teaching assistants have even jumped out of an aeroplane!

On 22nd September, during our special 120th anniversary Mass, celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols, we were very proud to be able to present Monica Basham from MoPSA with a cheque for £11,000 the result of all of our fundraising in this past year!


Spring 2018 – Mission Nairobi!

During Lent of 2018, three members of staff, Miss Hassell, Mrs Luurtsema and Miss Meehan, set off an an adventure to Nairobi to work alongside the Brothers of the Missionaries of the Poor at the Divine Mercy school, established in part through the generosity of our whole school community and that of Divine Saviour school over the past number of years.

As part of their time in Nairobi, they spoke at an official blessing of the new school buildings by Cardinal John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi, and were able to speak to members of the community of which Holy Rood School is helping.

Upon their return Miss Hassell, Mrs Luurtsema and Miss Meehan shared with us details of the impact that our fundraising has had on the lives of vulnerable children and young adults now housed and schooled by the brothers, in part through the charity of our school community.

To continue this amazing work, each year group carried out a sponsored event as part of ‘Mission Nairobi’. Throughout the course of Lent we saw sponsored runs, ‘Step to Nairobi’, Cake Sales, Auctions of art work just to name a few!

To read about Miss Meehan’s, Miss Hassell’s and Mrs Luurtsema’s journey to Nairobi, please click here. 

Spring term 2019 - ‘Give the World a Reason to Dance’ danceathon

Following Miss Hassell’s, Miss Meehan’s and Mrs Luurtsema’s life changing adventure last year to see first-hand the efforts our school fundraising is achieving in Nairobi, in 2019 we aimed to continue our effort.  

Whilst in Nairobi it was very apparent how our efforts as a school has literally helped saved lives, put roofs over children’s heads and given them a safer, more secure childhood. However, what was highlighted during the visit was how much more is still needed to be done.

Throughout the time Miss. Meehan, Miss. Hassell and Mrs Luurtsema spent in Nairobi, it was clear to see that through all the hardship, poverty and sadness, the children, brothers and community found joy and reasons to be happy through the medium of dance. With this in mind we held a whole school sponsored danceathon.

Each year group danced a well-known dance and we even tried to break a world record of the most people dancing to ‘Oops Upside your Head’. 



Please see below for a gallery of photos from Miss. Meehan's, Miss. Hassell's and Mrs Luurtsema's visit to Nairobi.

Alice's Arc

Alice’s Arc is a children's cancer charity dedicated to funding research into finding a cure and less harsh treatments for Rhabdomyosarcoma. Holy Rood established a connection with this charity in 2019 through the support it offered one of our own pupils. Jessica Macqueen was an active fundraiser throughout her time at Holy Rood and, with her classmates, always took a keen interest in supporting our MOPSA Nairobi family. Sadly, Jessica died in October 2019 but through continued fundraising for Alice’s Arc, her memory and love of supporting others will continue to live on at Holy Rood. Jessica was a keen sportswoman and many of the fundraising activities organised for Alice’s Arc reflect this; from House Teams penalty shoot-outs to parent 10K runs and family 5K runs/bike rides. This is one charity that will stay close to all our hearts and fundraising for it is led by our whole community; staff, parents and pupils. 

Rotary Shoebox Appeal 

Every year, just before Christmas, Holy Rood School supports the Rotary Shoebox Appeal Scheme. To support the project, students and staff pack a shoebox with filled with toys, stationary, toiletries, clothes and gifts for either children, teenagers, senior citizens, families or new babies. Then, the box is wrapped or decorated by the person filling the box and brought into school. The shoeboxes are collected by the Rotary Club and transported by road to Eastern Europe. The Shoebox Appeal aims to bring some happiness to some of the most disadvantaged.

Sadly, the shoeboxes are often the first Christmas gift these children have ever received, and each year hundreds of thousands of lives are touched by the generosity of people from this country and others. As a result of this, students and staff put a lot of thought into this project to make it the most special Christmas gift we can. Last year, over one million boxes were sent from the UK to children in hospitals, orphanages, refugee camps, homeless shelters and impoverished neighbourhoods around the world.

Each and every year we overwhelmed by the support, generosity and kindness of our school community.  

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity 

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity is a charity close to the hearts of everyone in our Holy Rood School community. Over the past years, Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) has supported families in our school and provide such good care for those in our community who have needed it.

Every day brings new challenges at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Every day, 619 children and young people from across the UK arrive for life-changing treatments. Every day, the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs that change the lives of thousands of children – and change the world. Despite the greatest challenges a child can face, the hospital is a place where being sick does not always mean being sad. And it’s a place where you’ll find – today and every day – some of the bravest people you could ever meet.

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity supports the hospital and its patients by funding four key areas: rebuilding and refurbishment, support for families and children, research into children health and life saving medical equipment.

Over the past years, Holy Rood School has held several fundraisers to help contribute to much needed funds for GOSH. We have held collections at school events and cake sales (to name a few) and have been overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone in our school community. We will continue to do our bit in helping this hospital provide life-changing and life-saving treatment.

Watford New Hope Trust

New Hope exists to serve individuals who are homeless or vulnerably-housed through the provision of accommodation and opportunities to transform lives. Founded upon Christian values, which are at the core of their work, New Hope Trust supports all members of the community in Watford.

Their mission is clear: to prevent homelessness and transform lives. At Holy Rood School, we want to do the same and help those in need and the most vulnerable in our Watford community.  

Each year, Holy Rood Catholic Primary School holds a Carol Service at Holy Rood Church, Watford. After the Carol Service finishes, we have a collection to help raise money for New Hope Trust.

In addition to this, we hold bake sales throughout the academic year where some of the money raised is also donated to the New Hope Trust.


CAFOD is an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

CAFOD reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. Through CAFOD's global Church network, one of the largest in the world, they have the potential to reach everyone. CAFOD also campaign for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.

During the liturgical season of Lent, an important part of our Christian mission at Holy Rood Catholic Primary School is to ‘give more’ to those in need around the world.

As a school community we are blessed with so much when our brothers and sisters around the world have so little. Therefore, as part of Family Fast Day, Holy Rood children walk a set distance in order to raise much needed funds to support CAFOD in their fight in ending world hunger.